Margin of Terror

Margin of Terror

Title: Margin of Terror
Film: Animation Short
Director: Kieran McLister
Storyline: It’s a comedy stop motion short about a perfectionist mad scientist driven to create the most horrific, terrifying giant monster ever seen – no matter how many times he screws it up.
Status: Completed

Margin of Terror – Teaser from Kieran McLister on Vimeo.


Mike Meurs · Margin Of Terror


-WINNER Buma Music in Motion Awards in the category “Best Original Composition in Short Film.”

– Nominated for the Crystal Pine Awards of the International Sound & Film Music Festival (ISFMF) in the category “Short Films”. – July 2020

– Semi-finals of the Film Music Contest (FMC) in the category “Original Music for Film, TV, Ads and Video Games”. – April 2020