Title: An Apple a Day
Film: Black Comedy Short
Director: Finlay Sleath
Storyline: Jane was a doctor. Now she’s in prison. This is strange because she was a very good doctor. She wanted her patients to live as long as possible. She gave them lots of good advice, like “don’t skate into oncoming traffic” and “do less cocaine.” She even checked up on them after retirement, to make sure that they’d taken this advice… above and beyond the call of duty, I’m sure you’ll agree. Unfortunately, though, her patients ignored her. They were still skating and snorting like there was no tomorrow. What was Jane to do? Well, she was to stalk them, kidnap them, lock them in her basement, and force them to live long and healthy lives against their will. That’s what Jane was to do. So that’s what Jane did. Sure, her captives would be eternally lonely and stagnant. But they’d be healthy. And that’s what matters. Right?
Status: Completed